  • 查重通常需要3-10分钟


  • 颜色代码、筛选器和来源比较,易于解读
  • 以数据洞见蓄意的文本篡改
  • 对照业界领先的内容数据库以获得综合性报告
  • 检查与世界领先出版商、研究人员和学者信赖的工具的相似性。


Crossref Similarity Check powered by iThenticate

Our trusted partnership with Crossref gives iThenticate access to an unparalleled database of high quality scholarly content. On top of that, iThenticate is incorporated into the top publishers’ workflows. IEEE, Nature Springer, Wiley, and thousands more trust iThenticate to identify unoriginal work. For authors, using the same software as their preferred publisher to check for plagiarism gives a higher level of confidence and could, ultimately, boost the chances of acceptance.

To learn more about Crossref and our content coverage, visit the Content database page.